Here’s the guy who suggested ten years ago that Tablet PCs would be the primary form factor in a few years. He truly believed that the whole world would want to use their computers like clipboards, writing notes with a stylus like the nerd he is. (No offense, Mr. Gates. I actually have tremendous respect for your accomplishments. But you are a nerd.) And he looks at the iPad, and his biggest complaint is that it doesn’t have a keyboard?
The iPhone killed the stylus. It’s dead. Really. I’m serious. There will never be a successful mainstream computer appliance with a stylus ever again.
iPad has great voice recognition for disabled access, but mainstream voice control for computers is still a Star Trek fantasy, not something most people want to do every day. It just feels creepy talking to your computer.
The ultimate next-gen text input method, the replacement for the QWERTY keyboard, has yet to rear its head, but I’m fairly certain it will be neither voice input nor handwriting recognition.