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Forethought is generally a good idea

> The moves are just another example of Amazon [rethinking its Kindle platform]( following Apple’s iPad announcement. The company recently purchased [millions of Kindles]('>touch-screen maker Touchco, which it plans to incorporate into the Kindle's hardware division for a future version of the device.

Amazon has said it has sold via [](
I would hope that Amazon was rethinking the Kindle platform BEFORE Apple announced the iPad. It’s not like Apple snuck up on them with that one. If a serious shift in strategy wasn’t already in the works by the beginning of this year, then Amazon deserves to lose in this market.

My guess is that Amazon was worried about Apple for a while; they just haven’t come up with a solution yet. Clearly, they could give up the hardware altogether and just make Kindle software available on every and all devices it can. But they seem to want to dominate the entire book world, including hardware sales. I’m just not sure that’s feasible, given who they are up against.