> Roughly multiply that revenue by 50 states, and you quickly get an idea why red-light cameras designed by companies like Arizona’s Redlfex Group and American Traffic Solutions (ATS) are an increasingly attractive crutch for America’s cash-strapped cities. But they’re unsafe short-cuts, because they haven’t necessarily proven very effective at anything other than generating ticket revenue — and accidents, lots of accidents. In fact, [studies have repeatedly shown](http://techdirt.com/articles/20080410/011257809.shtml) that red-light cameras can cause more accidents, not less.
via [alternet.org](http://www.alternet.org/rights/145752/cities_shortening_yellow_traffic_lights_for_deadly_profit)
I’ve been opposed to these red-light camera systems and other automated speed traps for years. It’s all about money, and nothing else. Not only do these things not increase safety, they actually put people’s lives in jeopardy. But we continue to let their use increase, because giving up our civil liberties and privatizing law enforcement to corporations is just par for the course in the US nowadays.
Law enforcement needs a human touch. There’s no computerized, cheap replacement for putting cops on the street.