At least that explains why there was no info about CS5 on the main Adobe web site.
What the heck kind of weird, convoluted marketing genius thought it would be a good idea to announce that they were going to make this announcement? Just “unveil” it now, or else shut up about it until the 12th. Let the press wonder what the “secret” announcement will be for the next few weeks.
I don’t get the strategy. It’s not like they don’t know what CS5’s new features are now. And it’s not like we’re going to spend the next few weeks wondering what you’re going to announce. You told us it’s CS5. Just show it to us already.
Apple didn’t say: Hey, next month we’re going to announce the iPad, a tablet computing device. They just let other people speculate what the announcement would be. That’s how you build suspense. Not with a countdown clock on an unknown web page.
Meanwhile, here’s the feature on the top of my wish list for the soon-to-be-unveiled-but-not-shipped CS5:
I’d like to be able to run an update of Photoshop or Illustrator without quitting my web browser. How about that? Is that one too tough?