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iPad Price, adjusted for inflation

> Adjusted for inflation, the iPad is less expensive than the initial entry prices for the Apple I ($2,540.07), Macintosh Portable ($11,358.59), Newton Message Pad ($1,048.47), Mac mini ($553.64) and iPhone ($521.49). In fact, the only gadget on an [adjusted price list]( from ** less expensive than the entry level iPad is the first iPod, which would cost $488.46 in today’s dollars.
via [](
This helps put the iPad price into perspective. Considering that the iPad is barely more expensive than the original iPod, which was much smaller, had a tiny black and white screen, and only played music, I’d say the iPad is well worth the money.

If only this would shut up the idiots in the media who keep suggesting that Apple is going to have to drop the price on the iPad very soon. Never mind that Apple can’t build them fast enough to keep up with demand as it is.