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Sony Will Finally Stop Making Floppy Disks - in 2011

> The 3.5″ 1.44MB HD floppy may finally be going gentle into that good night. Sony, one of just a few companies that still produce the archaic computer storage media, has announced plans to [end production of floppies]( "Macworld: Sony to end floppy disk production") in March 2011.
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If you still don’t understand why Apple is fighting tooth and nail to make sure Flash never makes it to the iPad or iPhone, look no further than this article.

Apple introduced its first computer without a floppy drive (the original iMac) in 1997.

Thirteen years later, floppies are still in production. Killing old technology is really hard, and it takes a brave stance by a company willing to take risks.

If the iMac had shipped with a floppy drive, I guarantee we’d all still have floppy disk drives on all of our computers. Despite the fact that you’d be hard pressed to fit a Word Document onto one of those things.

Someone has to lead the way by advancing technology, rather than keeping the status quo. When a better way presents itself, you need to encourage people to start using it—by force, if necessary.