> ## RIP Nexus One
> The only loser in this affair is the Nexus One brand, which [didn’t perform brilliantly](http://mashable.com/2010/03/16/nexus-one-sales-poor/) in sales, and also got nixed by two major carriers for newer models. But while the Nexus One may be heading toward the [end of its lifeline](http://www.pcworld.com/article/195011/google_nexus_one_a_successful_flop.html), the phone has managed to raise the profile of the Android operating system, which is now [outselling the Apple iPhone](http://www.macworld.com/article/151148/2010/05/smartphone_market.html), according to the NPD Group.
> But Google or HTC are not losing: the search giant’s free-to-license mobile operating system lives through the HTC Incredible and EVO 4G, and of course, the [many](http://www.macworld.com/article/145048/2009/12/android.html) [other](http://www.pcworld.com/article/190859/welcome_to_android.html) [arriving](http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/188622/huawei_plans_to_launch_multiple_android_devices.html) this year.
via [macworld.com](http://www.macworld.com/article/151170/2010/05/sprint_nexusone.html?lsrc=rss_main)
Interesting that Macworld, an obviously pro-Apple publication, gives Google a pass on this complete bungle.
For starters, Android is not “outselling the Apple iPhone, according to the NPD group” as the article says. Android is outselling Apple in the US, not globally.
And again, I can’t help but think of what the headlines would be if Apple introduced a new iPhone model, put it up on a pedestal as God’s newest gift to the entire cell phone industry, and then failed as completely as the Google failed with this product.