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So Much for "You Get What you Pay For"

> Turns out, Apple’s run of incredible products (and growth) has been achieved with a staggeringly low R&D spend. How low? Apple only spent $4.6 billion on R&D over the past four years, while revenues soared from $25 billion to $43 billion. > > In contrast, Microsoft spent 700% that amount on R&D during the same period, a whopping $31 billion, while growing at an anemic pace, despite flippant M&A. Likewise Cisco and Intel spent about 400% as much as Apple on R&D – $19 billion and  $23 billion respectively. These are astounding differences above Apple’s research and development spend, especially considering that during this period Apple developed the iPhone and iPad. > > In fact it’s rumored that Apple brought the iPhone to market for a mere $150 million, doing so organically without acquisition outside of a touch gesture recognition company named FingerWorks.
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Apple is doing more with less, and growing from within instead of acquiring from without. That takes clear leadership and singleness of vision, which is what all of Apple’s competitors seem to lack.

It’s all about focus.

Google seems to be following Microsoft’s strategies much more than Apple’s lately. They acquired 40 companies in the last four years, spread their product base all over the map, launched a few epic duds, all in pursuit of the “all or nothing” approach. They are literally buying companies just to keep them away from competitors. And none of it brings them any income. I wouldn’t call that leadership or focus.