[July 24, 2010](http://ignorethecode.net/blog/2010/07/24/tab_candy#)
### [Tab Candy](http://ignorethecode.net/blog/2010/07/24/tab_candy# "Permanent Link to Tab Candy")
> Tab management is probably something that should be handled by the OS, but as long as no OS takes care of it, [this is an awesome implementation of the concept](http://www.azarask.in/blog/post/tabcandy/).
> [Chris Clark writes](http://releasecandidateone.com/224:tab_candy):
> > I just wish Aza Raskin were doing this work for an OS vendor instead.
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via [ignorethecode.net](http://ignorethecode.net/blog/2010/07/24/tab_candy/)
While this implementation is extremely cool and well thought out, if you’re getting to the point where you need your browser tabs to be searchable and broken out into groups, you probably need to rethink your workflow. Seriously, I’m a computer nut; I easily spend 15 hours a day in front of a screen. But I never have 30 tabs open in a browser at a time. That’s extremely inefficient, even if you have some cool tool to organize it all for you.
There’s something to be said for just concentrating on a few things at a time, people. The whole multitasking thing is so 2009.
If you’re suffering from serious browser tab overload, I’d suggest a tool like Instapaper. Mark pages to read later, so you don’t end up with a million tabs open at once. Plus, the unread pages that you’ve saved for later will be synced across all your devices—your phone, your iPad, all your desktops. No more coming home from work and wishing you had those 25 tabs on your work computer open.
There are obviously some times where having multiple tabs is the best way to approach a task. But those use cases where you’d need dozens of pages at once are few and far between.
Get out of the browser and start using smaller, more efficient, more targeted dedicated apps. Especially on your mobile devices.