> A new release from Web traffic firm Net Applications has revealed that iOS share [overtook Linux](http://www.netmarketshare.com/operating-system-market-share.aspx?qprid=9&qpcustom=iOS,Linux&sample=36) in July, when it represented 1.06 percent of all Web traffic, verus the 0.93 share of Linux. Apple’s mobile platform grew even more in August, when it represented 1.13 percent, compared to a shrinking share for Linux, down to 0.85 percent.
via [appleinsider.com](http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/09/03/apples_ios_tops_linux_to_become_third_largest_browsing_platform.html)
So much for Open always beats closed. Apple’s 3-year old mobile platform is outperforming Linux’s decades-old desktop platform.
By the way, “Open beats Closed” is a canard. It’s never been true of any platform. Ever. Windows was not an open platform. Linux has never been commercially successful. My guess is this is why Google is making more and more closed deals with Verizon and others lately.