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The Stupid is spreading—Even as far as New York

> Frankly, you would think that an audience in New York, at the 92nd Street Y, would be interested in hearing about art and artists,” Ms. Solomon added in an e-mail. “I had no idea that the Y programmers wanted me to talk to Steve instead on what it’s like to host the Oscars or appear in ‘It’s Complicated’ with Alec Baldwin. I think the Y, which is supposedly a champion of the arts, has behaved very crassly and is reinforcing the most philistine aspects of a culture that values celebrity and award shows over art.
via [](
Wow. Is New York starting to become infected with the stupid virus, too? You can call Solomon and Steve Martin snobs if you want; I think they have a good point. The man just wrote a book about art. Usually, you go to hear a guy talk, you want to hear about his latest work. He’s on a speaking tour because he wants to promote his new book. The fact that the 92nd Street Y publicly humiliated them to score cheap points with its idiot audience is not a good sign.

What respected presenter is going to want to speak there after this? One thing a venue should NEVER, EVER do is betray its performers. That’s a hard rule you don’t ever want to break. You have a problem with the people you hired to perform, you smile, keep your mouth shut, and then you never ask them back. It’s that simple. If individuals in the audience complain, quietly offer those individuals a refund. Sending out a public email and refunding everyone is even insulting to the audience members who were enjoying the talk before you butted in and told them they should be asking about Alec Baldwin movies.

We saw a similar example of this earlier this year, when the TED organization “apologized” for Sarah Silverman’s presentation. Immensely disappointing to see that. I didn’t even particularly like her presentation, but I was appalled by how the organization reacted. Don’t hire a comedian and then tell the audience that you didn’t find her funny. That just makes you look like an idiot and a Benedict Arnold.

I’m sure the 92nd Street Y can get Britney Spears for next Saturday’s lecture.

I try to hold out hope that America still has some people who value ideas and who want to be challenged a little. I think there are plenty of us all over the country, but more and more the ignorant majority is bullying us into submission. We run to places like New York and San Francisco precisely to find shelter from this mentality.

“What it was like to host the oscars?” You have to be kidding me.