
FanDroids Galore

> Goodbye, Apple. I’m ditching my [iPhone]( Seriously, I’m gone. via []( Google made some announcements yesterday, and the Fandroids are jumping for joy. Oh, boy. Where to begin. For starters, you can read Daniel (Fake Steve Jobs) Lyons’ rant about how he’s switching to Android now, because Apple got “lazy”. Whatever. Never thought the Fake Jobs thing was funny. Always knew this…

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Adobe literally tacks HTML5 and CSS3 support onto Dreamweaver

> With the Adobe HTML5 Pack extension for Dreamweaver CS5, developers leveraging HTML5 and CSS3 gain such capabilities as code-hinting, in which the tool helps finish lines of code based on what already has been entered on the keyboard, Hickman said. via [](’s commitment for you. You can now download a special “pack” to give Dreamweaver basic HTML5 and CSS3 features. Features that should have been the core focus of this major upgrade. Too…

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Great Analysis by Gruber

> I hope for Adobe’s sake that he’s being disingenuous about these issues; otherwise the co-chairman of their board is completely ignorant of how their flagship products are perceived by many Mac users. via []( article is a very interesting read. Gruber reacts to an interview of Adobe’s Chuck Gescheke by John Paczkowski. My take is that Gescheke is toeing the company line here. He can’t possibly believe a lot of what he’s saying about Flash being…

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Now that's funny

> ## Apple Responds > > [![Apple responds to the Adobe "We love Apple" ad.](]( > > via [](, That just made my whole week.…

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Adobe starts an ad campaign

[![Media_httpstaticarste_ycilb](]( []( ad is complete nonsense, but at least Adobe seems to have figured out that the media war is about consumers, not companies or developers. That’s a start, anyway. Amazing that Adobe is so hell…

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