
Sidekick data may be recovered. So?

I’m happy for all those Sidekick users out there who may be getting their lost data back. But seriously, would anyone in his right mind ever trust Microsoft with cloud computing again? So the story today is “Hey, everybody. Microsoft saved the day by getting all your data back, after all.” I can see why Microsoft would want to spin it that way, but why are tech journalists letting them spin it that way?…

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Beating Expectations

So I read today that Apple is predicted to exceed Wall Street expectations with its earnings report this coming Monday. How is that possible? How can one predict that you’ll exceed expectations? Prediction is expectation. The only way Apple could exceed expectations now would be to beat the prediction of exceeding expectations. It will have to exceed the prediction of exceeding the expectation. And if someone predicts that, they’re really screwed.…

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Grammar is one of those things that matters A LOT to some people and not at all to others.

I just discovered a new blog called Not only is it well-written and interesting, from a tech point of view. It also presents a brilliant solution to an-age old problem with web sites that allow comments. We’ve all encountered the grammar police from time to time, whether we write our own blogs or just spend time in the forums. It never fails that at least one person will feel it is his or her duty to let the author and other commenters know that several words were…

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Tech Crunch is getting harder and harder to take seriously

These two articles today from Arrington and Siegler were almost as funny as the Daily Show was last night. Why Desktop Touch Screens Don’t Really Work Well For Humans 10/GUI: One Very Slick Desktop Multi-Touch Concept (Video) Seriously? People don’t want vertical touch screens? This is a revelation? And the future of touch computers is an architect’s table and the Microsoft Surface? What are you smoking? Every bit of sales data over the last five years suggests that the future of all computing is mobile. That’…

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Appleinsider: Apple plans to open iTunes LP for independent labels

See? Nothing to panic about, people. Like I said yesterday, Apple is simply taking its time and getting it right.…

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