
WWDC 2020

I totally understand why so many devs are loving the new WWDC format this year. I can see why many don’t want to see it go back to the “old” way. I don’t, either. There’s no question this online format gives more access to far more people. And that can only be a good thing. Whatever Apple does next year and in the years following, they should absolutely continue to make the show as accessible to as many people as possible. They should incorporate what they’ve…

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Conferences Get Together for a Special Offer

I hate exclusivity. I would never suggest to anyone that they shouldn’t come to San Francisco for WWDC/AltConf. At the same time, I have to acknowledge that coming to San Francisco in June, especially for a guy like me who doesn’t even bother trying to get a ticket to the WWDC itself, is becoming less justifiable from a business perspective every year. And thus, it’s getting harder and harder to recommend to others. Folks say that WWDC is the one time where everyone in our community…

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The Eleven

Today’s Release Notes 2015 Speaker announcement is the culmination of several months of hard work and cooperation from many people. It’s only March, and already this show is well on its way to being a tremendous success. I can’t thank my co-organizer Charles Perry enough for spearheading this entire show from day one. He’s the man with the plan, if you will. And he’s had a clear vision that has driven every decision we’ve made thus far. When you want to put on a…

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My Talk at MCE 2015

My official talk from Mobile Conference Europe 2015 is now available online. My topic was “Design as if No One is Watching.” A bit of a call to remember who we work for as designers building great products on teams. It was incredible to take part in this conference back in February. Highly recommended, if they do it again next year, that you consider attending. Special thanks to Jarek and the whole team over there for making it a wonderful experience.…

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