
Pro Marketing Tip

When someone unsubscribes from your newsletter, don’t send them a confirmation email letting them know they are now unsubscribed. Also, don’t make them fill out a survey telling you why they are unsubscribing. You know why they are unsubscribing. Because you suck. Focus on the you suck part,  not on the how you can get them to stay even though you suck part.…

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Another Internet Bubble bursting

> It wouldn’t surprise me to see more such quick-let’s-add-some-page-views-to-our-arsenal deals.  It wouldn’t surprise me to see Huffington Post’s main — and perhaps better — rival, Politco, get acquired over the next twelve months. I would predict MSNBC as a likely candidate to acquire them. via []( are obviously in quite a tizzy over AOL’s acquisition of the Huffington Post. I say good for Ariana. She made a good business deal for herself. Shrewd business move. And as the…

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