

I never had any interest in Gmail. Back in the mid 2000s, when everyone was jumping on the Gmail bandwagon, I was perfectly fine with my email address (which I had signed up for within five minutes of Steve Jobs’ announcement at Macworld New York 2000). People always complain that Apple’s Internet services suck, and they are right in many cases. But email has always been rock solid for me. I can count on one hand the number of times my account has actually been…

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Lukas Mathis on Safari Reader

> The one thing you can immediately influence is whether your users are able to easily read your articles. If they are not, then perhaps Safari Reader is not the problem, but merely a symptom of your *actual* problem. > > If people don’t feel the need to use Safari Reader anymore, everybody wins. Don’t fight Safari Reader. Instead, make it obsolete. via []( absolutely agree. I talked about this a while ago, when Ars Technica went on a rant…

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