
Negative 5

Wanted to go for a morning nature hike before leaving Grand Canyon yesterday. But two things kept us back. 1) It was still pitch dark until about 8 a.m. 2) It was -5 degrees outside. It’s been a while since I’ve felt -5. Great reminder of why I live in San Francisco. That sort of temperature is just wrong.…

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Grand Canyon in Winter

[![Img_0613](]( is the only photo I can post from the Grand Canyon right now. Not because I didn’t take any others. I actually took more than 200. (More on that in a second.) But this one is the only one I thought to take with my iPhone. And I almost forgot to take one, just for the…

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Obligatory AT&T update

Throughout Phoenix, good 3G. Twenty minutes north of Phoenix all the way to Flagstaff? Same as in New Mexico. Phone says I have full bars of edge, but instead I really have nothing. This time, MotionX seems to have done its caching better, because the lack of signal didn’t cause it to go wacko as often. I think what’s happening with that is actually a loss of GPS accuracy, which results in MotionX thinking it needs to remap the trip, which then leads to it realizing it doesn’…

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Matt's Big Breakfast: Phoenix

It was close to the hotel, and it was open early. And other than the doorknob, which is placed in such a way as to guarantee injury for a lefty like me, it was great. [![Img_0611](]( food is great, Matt. Now fix the damn doorknob.…

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Road trip begins.

Well, we made it from El Paso to Phoenix, as planned. I ended up getting a tape deck adapter for the iPhone, after all, which has helped a lot. On the playlist: Kaki King, James Taylor, Led Zep, and Police. A lot of songs I haven’t listened to in ages. AT&T? Totally dead through most of New Mexico and Arizona. Bouncing in and out of Edge signal. When I finally bounce back to 3G in Tucson? Slowest 3G ever. This had a large impact on my GPS…

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