Dock vs Dock

I joked on Twitter the other day that I was going to have to write up an email to send to my less tech savvy family members explaining the differences between the macOS and iOS Docks this Fall. I wasn’t really joking. I predict a lot of us who end up responsible for family tech support are going to get questions about the Dock on iPad come September or October when Apple releases iOS 11 to the masses. Anyone who has been using macOS since the original OS X…

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Missing More than the Plot

“Anyone that watched the DJ scrubbing the Touch Bar and didn’t think it would be 100 times more natural to scratch with the on screen turn tables on a the flat Surface Studio screen wasn’t thinking too hard.” (via John Kheit for the Mac Observer) I basically disagree with this entire article. But that last bit really struck me as monumentally stupid. If John knew any actual DJs, he’d know a few things: Algoriddim already has an excellent iPad version of djayPro, which works great on the…

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More on Sticker Pack Screenshots

As I continually iterate on the Mixologist Sticker Pack, I’m also paying close attention to the iMessage App Store and its trends. Screenshots for sticker packs are still largely disappointing. But some of the craftier developers are coming up with presentations for their stickers that are quite nice. My favorites have done away with the entire notion of presenting actual screenshots, and are instead just presenting the stickers in rows on a colored background. This makes perfect sense, as anyone buying stickers gets the idea, generally, of what stickers…

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Adding an App Store Link Inside a Sticker Pack

For version 1.2 of the Mixologist Sticker Pack, I wanted to do more than just add a few more new drinks.[1] Taking a lesson from my friend Curtis Herbert, I wanted to add something to the app that improved it as a business. In this case, I wanted a link to my other sticker pack, the Leo Collection, inside the Mixologist. Seems like a no-brainer to let the customers of one of my sticker packs know about my other packs, right? After all, these are people who have…

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On Making Quality Sticker Screenshots

The bar for iMessage sticker pack screenshots is really low right now. Take a look at some of the sticker packs on the App Store, and you’ll soon see what I mean. Many sticker packs have one or two screenshots max; many are obviously hastily snapped from within iMessage without much thought to presentation. It’s a huge missed opportunity. I can’t tell you how many sticker packs I’ve passed over because of poor quality screenshots. I know making screenshots of iMessage is a huge pain. The…

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