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Christopher Breen Reviews the new Podcasts App

Podcasts Version: 1.0 Review | iPhone and iPad Entertainment App | Macworld:

Apple’s new Podcasts app is a welcome step to bringing attention to audio and video podcasts that were previously buried in the Music app. But while it has some good things going for it, it’s a step that’s not yet fully realized.


This is Marco Arment’s Starbuck’s theory playing out. Rather than threatening current podcasts applications on the App Store, Apple’s Podcasts app is more likely to raise awareness of Podcasting in general, and therefore ultimately increase the audience for apps like Instacast, iCatcher, or my personal app of choice – Downcast.

For many, many people, Apple’s app will do just fine. But it won’t be long until a good number of new podcast fans gets frustrated with Apple’s limitations and decides to go for a more “pro” solution.

I’d love to see sales numbers for apps like Downcast over the next six to twelve months.

One of the biggest challenges for marketing an app is raising awareness of the “problem” your app solves. You need to convince people that they have the problem in the first place. In a sense, Apple is doing that marketing for these developers.