Extras, Indeed

While everyone else in the community is still losing its mind over the battery bump, I thought I’d offer a change of pace and criticize something a little more concerning about Apple’s recent endeavors. It didn’t take much effort to find something less controversial, at least. Let’s take, for instance, the experience of watching iTunes Extras material on an iPad. iTunes Extras are like DVD bonus features for the movies you buy on iTunes. Some movies only offer an alternate commentary track. Others get quite elaborate,…

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Headphone Port

While it’s a bit early to call the death of the headphone jack just yet, we sense that Apple’s interest in thinner, sleeker designs means that the 3.5mm connection is likely living on borrowed time at this point. via PC magazine Here’s my prediction: Apple will indeed drop the standard headphone port on the iPhone 7. Or 8. Or at some point. Guaranteed to happen eventually. There will be an immediate uproar from the tech community when this phone is announced (despite the discussions we’ll…

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x2y version 4

It was all the way back at WWDC 2014 that my friend Hans vershooten suggested what eventually became the marquis feature of x2y 4.0: Percentages. x2y has always been able to calculate x or y dimensions for you automatically. It would be nice, Hans suggested, if it could also tell you the percentage difference between the original image and the new one. So if you want, for instance, a rectangle that’s exactly 245% of the original, x2y should be able to calculate both the x and y dimensions…

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iPad Pro: Early Thoughts

Just throwing out some early impressions of iPad Pro, after having used it only a day or so. It’s heavy. Not heavier than you expect heavy, but as heavy as you expect, which is different from the most recent iPads. After a year of holding an iPad Air 2, this is surprising. If you’re used to a 3rd-gen iPad or iPad 1, it’ll feel right at home. This is not a hold in one hand, tap with the other device. At least not for long periods. It’…

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More Space, More Buttons

Seeing this tweet a lot today in my timeline. Here's another way of looking at it. Original iPhone screen in the empty space between the apps on the iPad Pro. — Dennis Munsie (@dmunsie) November 11, 2015 The comparison is wrongheaded, because the people sharing it are confusing points with pixels. The original iPhone screen did indeed have 320 horizontal pixels. It was also a 1x screen, which means it had 320 points, as well. The iPad Pro’s screen, on the other hand, is a 2X…

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